Hi I’m Ruth. I’m a mom of two dear little twin girls. They are absolutely adorable and currently has started school a few years ago.
My passion in life is needlework, embroidery and just making things. Over the years I’ve gained a lot of knowledge in this area and also in raising my two girls.
A short while ago I decided to embark on a new journey and decided to start a blog about what I have learned throughout the years, specifically about needlework, embroidery and things about the home, kids and lifestyle in general. The content I write about have been enlightening for many people and have inspired others to make life decisions and even change their life.
I’ve been living at my home here in San Antonio, Texas and can say that this is “real” home for me. I used to live in a small town in Southern California and grew up there. I love that to that since I moved to San Antonio, I put down roots and got to know so many friends and live in an enriched.
It was around 6 years ago I discovered my passion in embroidery, and it has grown to include so many of the things that I just have to write about them. That’s where this blog comes in. In fact, This blog is all about lifestyle and making a difference and it has moved way beyond being a blog just about embroidery. I endeavour to cover a wide range of subjects that might include how to get rid of a trapped nerve and articles about how to get rid of tartar as well as articles about how to fit a conservatory and articles about how to stop your dog barking.
I started this blog as a hobby in the beginning, but it has started to make some money that has financed me to be able to blog full time. My focus is to look in detail about topics that my readers want to read about. My blog’s purpose therefore is to inspire as many people as possible
I believe that educating yourself across a wide range of subjects will change your life and put you on a better, more successful, fulfilled path in life.