Acupuncture is a practice of traditional Chinese medicine that is based on the stimulation of certain points of the body by inserting needles into the skin.
It has been used since ancient times to treat pain, and today you can even have anxiety relief with acupuncture, but that’s not all; the World Health Organization recognizes it as effective for the treatment of at least 49 disorders.
There is a lot of skepticism about the effectiveness of acupuncture and the lack of studies makes it consider alternative treatment, but with many followers with long-term anxiety and in a preventive mode. It is based on the principle of Qi (pronounced “chi”) to correct problems with the flow of vital energy in the body caused by certain disorders. Although each patient is an individual case, in general terms the following benefits are granted:
Acupuncture works immediately. Although each acupuncture session can have different results, in general, its benefits can be perceived very quickly. On the other hand, this technique can help overcome other discomforts, which is very positive for your general well-being.
Experts say that the acupuncture technique is suitable for everyone, even children. But there is an exception regarding the technique with the needles because it should not be used by people who have changes in blood coagulation, that is, who are on anticoagulant treatment.
It goes without saying that when choosing a professional, it is convenient to look for good references about him and check the precautions taken with the needles (which must be disposable). Asepsis (cleanliness) is essential in the place where the practice of acupuncture takes place.
Finally, it is important to point out that, in many cases, although acupuncture can be very useful in relieving states of stress and anxiety, there are times when the use of the technique alone is not enough to solve the problems and, in more serious diseases the technique should be combined with conventional treatment. For this reason, it is totally advisable to follow good medical control of the pathology to be treated, regardless of its use together with acupuncture.