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Roof maintenance before rainy season

Summer is coming and with it, the rainy season. Due to the excess of water that accumulates in homes when it rains, it is common for dampness to come out or begin to grow in our house and not to mention the fearsome leaks. In fact, damage to homes increases by up to 50% during rains due to water and moisture seepage.

You don’t here advice like this often, but if you know you have a roof problem, contact dome  roof repair contractors before the rainy season because if you leave it too late, not only will you experience further problems as a result of having an issue with your roof, but also, roofing contractors get busier during rainy seasons, so it will be harder to book one to fix your roof.

The advantage is that you still have time to prevent the rain from destroying your peace inside the house and that when it rains, the only thing you have to take out is the umbrella or raincoat (to go out for a walk in the rain) and not a bucket. We reached out to our experts to share with us the steps to follow to maintain roofs and waterproof your home yourself before the rainy season begins. Take note!

Inspect your home

Before starting any process, the first thing you should do is check inside the roof of the house and check if there is any sign of moisture. For example, it can be noticed as a slight stain with the paint “inflated” or even areas where the paint begins to peel off. Then continue with your inspection of the roof on the outside and pay special attention to the cracks, since there may also be water leaks there, as well as in the areas where inside your house you identified some humidity, since it is probably not there well sealed that area.

Remove any residue or moisture from the ceiling that affects adhesion

Now, let’s get to work! To begin to maintain roofs, the first thing is to have an area free of impurities so that the waterproofing works correctly. Use an angled broom that will allow you to clean up the corners and a dustpan for debris.

Repair any cracks or fissures with plastic cement

Once the ceiling is clean, it is time to cover the cracks or fissures with a water-based acrylic sealer with the help of a spatula to ensure that we block any access point of moisture. Let it dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Apply sealer to the entire surface to clog pores

Just as there are highly visible cracks and fissures, there are also micro-cracks that we don’t notice with the naked eye and can be a long-term problem. Therefore, it is best to apply a coat of sealer over the entire surface and let it dry for 1 to 3 hours.

Expert recommendation is to use a concentrated sealer that eliminates porosity and provides better finishes on surfaces and slabs.

Lay the first layer of waterproofing

Once the surface is dry, it is time to apply the waterproofing. It is worth reading the recommendations for use and mainly the duration, which is generally 3, 5 or 7 years. So you can know when you have to re-waterproof.

To apply it, with the help of an ixtle brush, apply the waterproofing over the entire area, without exerting too much pressure. The goal is to make it uniform across the entire surface.

Apply a reinforcing fabric or mesh only at critical points

In the points where you had cracks, where humidity was detected or in areas such as water outlets, tank bases and wiring, you can apply a mesh so that the membrane serves as a reinforcement for those vulnerable points. Once you apply this reinforcement with the help of waterproofing, let it dry for 4 to 6 hours.

Place the second layer of waterproofing in a transverse direction to the first

As a final step and to give that last reinforcement in roof maintenance is to apply a second layer of waterproofing in a transversal direction and let it dry for 24 hours. The next day review the final results and voila, you will have a safe home for the rainy season.

As an extra tip, remember to waterproof with good quality products to guarantee the expected result, do it when there are sunny days and preferably the roof surface is completely dry. Finally, don’t forget to record the application date so you know when to apply it again.

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