It is impossible to avoid disagreements. What should we do about them? You can either keep your mouth shut, or you can speak up. What should we say if we speak? These are the situations we will show you how to act.
Imagine yourself in the position of a coworker, friend, or colleague. You disagree with her opinion. If the situation isn’t urgent and the issue isn’t threatening, it is okay to disagree. You can let it go and nothing will happen. But what if the other person is offended? But what if the offended person doesn’t want to listen? This is a difficult situation that requires patience.
First, decide if it is worth disagreeing. What if you keep silent? What consequences would it have if you didn’t say anything? What are the consequences for disagreeing? Sometimes, it’s not worth it. Don’t worry.
There are several techniques that you can use if you decide to speak up about the issue. The most important thing is your tone of voice, no matter what technique you use. Your tone of voice should not be filled with sarcasm or anger. It can be difficult at times but it is possible to keep a positive mindset.
Keep your mind clear and tone in control. You can do this by cultivating a sense curiosity and trying to understand the perspective of others. Positive thoughts are good for your conversation partner. You may also think the other person is having a bad day if they speak in a rude manner. This will allow you to not be offended. You can still disagree with respect and sincerity if you have positive and sincere thoughts. You must be careful with the words you use.
Some indirect phrases or general phrases are possible. These phrases encourage people to think more deeply or explain their position better. You can have a more meaningful and productive conversation if you do this. Use phrases such as “Interesting.” Is it possible? “Are they sure it’s possible?” Or “Really?” It works in this way, I wonder?
Indirect disagreement can be expressed. Instead of saying “This is a terrible idea!”, you can say “I’m not sure” instead. Or “I’m not sure that I can agree” rather than “I completely disagree with you!”
Use words that are gentler. Try “I don’t get what you’re saying” instead of “I don’t get it.” And don’t say, “You don’t get it.” Instead, try “Maybe I’m not explaining myself well” or “Can You tell me why?”
This is an excellent example of how not to point fingers at another person. Instead of using “you,” try “I” and “we” which include or soften. The directness and harshness of “You must do this now” is excessive. “We want a faster completion date. What can we do to achieve this? Respect for the needs of everyone.
Most disagreements can be resolved by agreeing on a common ground. Start by sharing what you have in common, then work your way up.
“Although we agree on (common ground), I have not considered (new perspective).” This includes using softer words.
However, there are certain things you should not say at all.
Do not apologize! It is too common to use the word “sorry” too often. It’s best to use it when you have done something to hurt another person. Many will respond, “Sorry. I disagree.” It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel it or not. Accept that your opinion is valuable. Respect yourself.
You shouldn’t use “but …”,” as this is an expression that’s used all the time. After you have made a statement of common ground or offered compliments to the other person, you can say “but”. Although “but” can be confusing, “However”, is a similar word that should be used sparingly.
You should feel comfortable with all these methods. Diplomatic disagreement can be a great way “win friends and influence others”, and it can help you in your business and personal life.